Fig. 4. Visualization of differential expression mRNA patterns of SRL-/- and RL-/- monocytes. The mRNA microarray data was analyzed for different expression patterns of SRL-/- and RL-/- monocyte subsets. (A) Heat map represents 46 genes that are differentially regulated in a SOCS-1 dependent manner (SRL-/- vs RL-/-). Genes with a corrected differential expression p-value <0.05 and fold change >2 or less than 0.5 were considered significantly regulated. The color key and histogram indicate the degree and distribution of log2-transformed expression intensities. Color bars on top of the heatmap indicate genotype and monocyte subset. Yellow: SRL-/- Ly6Clow. Brown: SRL-/- Ly6Chigh. Blue: RL-/- Ly6Clow. Turquoise: RL-/- Ly6Chigh. n=4-6 per group. (B) mRNA expression of selected genes from SRL-/- and RL-/- monocyte subsets was validated by qPCR. To determine the dependency on SOCS-1, the FC of mRNA expression from SRL-/- monocytes to the reference (RL-/-) is shown and compared to the expression patterns of the microarray. Hprt1 was used as housekeeping gene for qPCR. Data are shown as mean ± SEM of 4-7 mice per group from duplicates of three independent experiments. Significance was calculated in comparison to RL-/- by one-way ANOVA/Dunnett's test (*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001).